
Back to Work Budget

Posted 16 March 2023

Jeremy Hunt’s ‘Back to Work’ Budget is to be supported by £63m towards ‘skills bootcamp’ places, aimed at the over 50s as an enticement back to the workplace, post-covid.

Early retirees are seen as a valuable part of the country’s workforce who may benefit from retraining towards new careers, plugging gaps in the market.

There are of course key benefits to both parties involved; the employees and the companies who then recruit from this particular sector of the population.

At UKPR Group we have reaped the rewards of those seeking ‘second phase’ careers, post the age of 50

At UKPR Group we have reaped the rewards of those seeking ‘second phase’ careers, post the age of 50 and benefitted from valuable life experiences, maturity and a genuine interest in not just self-growth but that of the business.

We have found that a more mature workforce has had a positive impact in terms of work ethic, punctuality, lack of absence and a positive upturn in morale within our company, as a whole.

This is of course, tempered by an equal employability among younger employees, who, in turn, benefit from mentoring and upskilling, offered by the more senior employees; the balance of which has contributed towards the growth of our business in recent years and a contributing factor in the planning for our future.

An additional Budget benefit, from the new rules on corporation tax, has meant that our investment in technology can continue – a key part of our commitment to all our customers, ensuring an ongoing high level of service provision.